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To have a dream is beautiful, but to follow it until it becomes true includes planning, countless hours in the studio, repetitions, and sometimes falling down and getting up again. It is about moving forward to create the way so that this dream can come true.


Pressure, criticism, physical and mental fatigue are often difficult to deal with. Questioning and even a slight desire to give up in the face of difficulties and obstacles is almost inevitable. That is why it's very important that to stay focused and having good guidance with whom we trust is essential when moving forward on our best path.


Create your own journey.


It is invaluable to participate in a live ballet class with a professional that is well-positioned in the international dance market and with unique experiences to help you improve your technique.

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In general, coaching is a process of personal and/or professional improvement. The coach, with her experience and training in coaching, is knowledgeable in techniques and tools that help the coachee to overcome challenges, carry out projects and achieve their goals. Coaching is, thus, a creative and thought-provoking process that inspires the coachee to increase their personal and professional potential.

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Aurora has been teaching ballet classes and workshops for some years. Her passion for teaching and passing on to younger students her experiences led her to develop her Ballet Masterclass. With Aurora’s unique approach to teaching, dancers, students and professionals, have the opportunity to increase their body awareness in the execution of movements and discover new body limits.

Today, Ballet Masterclasses are offered online and are consistent with the physical space available to the participating dancers. If you are interested, continue scrolling down and you will find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the Masterclasses.

We are always thrilled to have Ms. Dickie teach our students. She has a strong sense of technique, poise, and musicality that helps to craft our students into professional artists. Her wide ranging background, after working in three countries, and her extensive career performing ballets in all genres, provides inspiration and insight into what to expect in the dance world today.

— Nick Mullikin, Associate Artistic Director

Nashville Ballet (2021)

What is the purpose of the Masterclasses?

The Ballet Masterclasses aim to inspire and disseminate the knowledge and experience that Aurora has acquired over the 15 years as a professional dancer in different ballet companies and countries.


In these unique Masterclasses, Aurora uses her background in classical ballet in the Vaganova method, as well as her vast experience dancing — both classical and contemporary — in the United States, Brazil, and Europe. The focus is on increasing body awareness when performing movements, musicality and artistic development.
The fact that Aurora is still dancing in Europe allows her to connect with students and dancers on a deeper level, promoting an enriching dialogue and exchange for all participants.

Which levels and types of classes are offered?

Masterclasses with Aurora Dickie are offered for these levels:

  • Beginner/Intermediate;

  • Intermediary; and

  • Advanced/Professional.


For Masterclasses, Aurora offers:

  • Classical ballet technique; and

  • Pointe technique.

How long are the classes?

Classes are 1h30min long. Shorter or longer classes are possible with prior agreement.

How much does it cost?

For inquiry about cost, please, contact us via email ( or from the Contact tab here on the website.

How to schedule a Classic Ballet Masterclass?

Just get in touch via email at with the subject "Masterclass Scheduling" or via the Contact form here on the website. In your message, specify:

  • preferred dates and times;

  • school name;

  • age group of students; and

  • level.


We will return with confirmation of time and additional information.

I am not associated with a school, what do I do?

Anyone interested in doing a Masterclass with Aurora independently (which is not linked to any ballet school or dance group) can, of course, also hire the Masterclasses. Just contact us through this form.

A minimum number of 5 participants is recommended.

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Aurora Dickie offers two different Coaching Programs

Ballet Coaching

Aimed for dancers who already have knowledge in ballet (students or professionals) and who seek to maximize their technical and artistic power. This Coaching Program is designed to provide an accelerated path to excellence in ballet through individual and personalized work.

Life Coaching

Aimed for those seeking to develop and maximize their personal and/or professional potential. This Coaching Program is designed to instigate clients to propel forward in their lives and achieve their desired dreams and goals.

Having a dream is so beautiful. With a lot of dedication, it is possible to make this dream come true.

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Intensity, choices, dreams. These are words that we always deal with. Expressing yourself is one of the arts of life. Expressing yourself is living.

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Ballet Coaching

How much does each Ballet Coaching session cost?

The initial evaluation session is free of charge. For values from the other sessions write to with the request for values for Ballet Coaching.

How long is each session and how many sessions can I have per week?

Each session is 1h long. One to two sessions per week is recommended, however this will depend on the coachee's availability, goals and resources.

I want to improve at ballet, but I don't have a specific goal and I don't know exactly what I need to improve. How can I benefit from Ballet Coaching?

That is not a problem. Wanting to improve is already an objective and the identification and definition of more specific goals are also part of the Ballet Coaching process. Willingness to improve is the most important. From there, Aurora, through her knowledge and experience, will work with you to define and achieve these more specific goals.

What is the difference between Ballet Coaching and Masterclass?

The Masterclasses are classes developed in a more general way and aimed at a group of dancers of a certain level. They are a great way to get in touch with Aurora Dickie more generally and receive tips and feedback on classical ballet technique and body awareness.


Ballet Coaching, on the other hand, is a personalized work. The coachee receives 100% of attention from Aurora, not only because the sessions are done individually, but because they are aimed and tailored to each coachee’s needs.

How long does the entire Ballet Coaching process lasts?

Similar to the number of sessions per week, the length of the Ballet Coaching process can vary, and it depends on the coachee's goals and resources. The length of the Ballet Coaching Program is usually defined together in the initial session.

How can I schedule a Ballet Coaching session?

Simply send an email to with the subject "Initial Ballet Coaching Session" and the following information:

  • full name;

  • age;

  • interest in Ballet Coaching.​

You will receive a follow-up email with time options for the initial session.

What is Ballet Coaching and what to expect from this process?

Ballet Coaching is a process of technical and artistic empowerment of the student or professional dancer. This process is done individually and is developed based on the coachee's needs and goals. 


The process starts with an initial session (free of charge) to assess these needs and objectives. From there, a plan is developed in partnership with the coachee and re-evaluated throughout the process.


Because the Ballet Coaching is personalized and individual, the dancer can expect a significant and quicker improvement along the process. As a coach, Aurora is 100% committed to her coachees and provides all the necessary support for their success.

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Life Coaching

Firstly, what is Life Coaching and how does this process work?

Life Coaching is about gaining awareness of one’s strengths and opening possibilities in one’s life. The coach partners with the client to help her/him overcome obstacles and maximize their potential to achieve their goals through the use of tools, reflective questions and feedback.


The Life Coaching process is essentially about you and your goals, needs and resources, as well as creating paths for you to reach those goals.

Who can seek coaching and what are common coaching topics?

Coaching is for all those who are looking for growth and changes in their professional and/or personal life. The only prerequisite is that the topic is current and that the client/coachee is willing to work on it. You don't need to have a clearly defined goal to start coaching, as the definition of such goal can also be part of the process. 

Therefore, there are countless topics that can be worked on in coaching. Some examples of topics include, but are not limited to:

  • reflection and definition of personal and/or career plans;

  • plan and implement career change;

  • demotivation;

  • development of personal projects;

  • gain knowledge about their own skills and leverage them for personal development.

Is Life Coaching like consulting, counseling or therapy?

No. While all of these services are aimed at personal development, they differ in the process and impact they have on the customer.


In a general, consulting identifies the needs of the client or company and proposes solutions to solve these problems. This process involves data collection, problem diagnosis and improvement proposals.


Counseling focuses on guided guidance and assistance in what the counselee must do to achieve their goals.


Therapy, on the other hand, is aimed at helping people deal with deeper, more persistent, and far-reaching psychological problems that cause serious suffering and can severely compromise individuals' ability to function in their daily lives.


While coaching and therapy (and even consulting and counseling processes) can sometimes employ similar techniques, therapy is usually a longer and more biographically oriented process, while coaching focuses on the here and now, with special emphasis on empowering clients to find pragmatic solutions to current issues.


It is important to remember that coaching is not about the coaching telling the client what to do. Instead, the coach asks powerful questions and provides a safe environment, in which the client is instigated to find their own solutions. Coaching is about empowering the client.


If you are unsure whether your situation will be handled well in coaching, therapy, consulting or counseling, I will be happy to provide guidance and advice during our first consultation.

How can I schedule a Coaching Session?

Simply send an email to with the subject "Coaching Session" or contact Aurora through the Contact form here on the website.


You will receive a follow-up email with time options for an initial Coaching session.

How much the Coaching Sessions cost?

The first Coaching Session is free of charge. To inquire about cost and available Coaching Program Packages, please send an email to

Why choose Aurora Dickie as your coach?

Aurora is an extremely motivated person who is committed to her own personal growth and to the growth of those who work with her.

As a classical dancer, with more than 20 years of training and experience, she has already worked in three large ballet companies, in three different countries, and currently works as a solo dancer at the Berlin State Ballet, in Berlin (Germany). During her career in this competitive field, she has dealt with many adversities, injuries, motivational challenges, and went through many decision making processes, not just to change companies, but also continents. Additionally, Aurora has studied Psychology, Administration, and is currently studying Economics at Columbia University, New York, USA. 


Her experience as a dancer, moving to different countries and navigating between different areas, encouraged her to pursue training in coaching, aiming to support other people to achieve their goals. She received coaching training at the Academy of Creative Coaching and is a certified Life and Leadership Coach by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).


Aurora approaches all of her coaching sessions with empathy and focus, adapting her style to the specific needs of each coachee. Withher, you will find a safe space to share your doubts, insecurities and questions, and most importantly, to explore and maximize your potential. If you are looking for a coach who is passionate about helping you shape your future, schedule a session!

© 2024 by Aurora Dickie Brand 2024

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